The Time Travelers (1964)
The Time Travelers (1964) is a gripping science fiction adventure that explores humanity's resilience in the face of an uncertain future. A group of scientists conducting an experiment with a time-viewing device accidentally discovers a portal that transports them to a post-apocalyptic world. As ...
Food of the Gods (1976)
The 1976 film The Food of the Gods brings H.G. Wells' vision to life in a gripping science fiction thriller. Directed by Bert I. Gordon, the story unfolds on a remote island in British Columbia where a mysterious substance begins bubbling from the ground. This "food" triggers unnatural growth in ...
Invasion Earth 2150 A.D. (1966)
The 1966 science fiction film Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 A.D. plunges viewers into a dystopian future where Earth is under siege by the ruthless Daleks. When a hapless constable stumbles upon the Tardis, he joins Dr. Who, his niece, and his granddaughter on a perilous journey to 2150 A.D. Togeth...
Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (1964)
The 1964 film Santa Claus Conquers the Martians is a whimsical blend of science fiction and holiday cheer. Set against a quirky backdrop of interplanetary adventure, the story follows Martian parents concerned about their children’s obsession with Earth culture. Their unconventional solution? Bri...
Dr. Who and the Daleks (1965)
Dr. Who and the Daleks (1965) is a British science fiction film based on the popular television series Doctor Who. This reimagined adventure follows Dr. Who, his companions, and his time machine, Tardis, as they arrive on a mysterious, war-ravaged planet. There, they encounter a race of mechanica...
Return of the Fly (1959)
"Return of the Fly" (1959) is the chilling sequel to the 1958 horror classic, "The Fly." Shot in stark black and white, the film revisits the Delambre family’s ill-fated experiments with teleportation. Now grown up, Phillipe Delambre becomes obsessed with perfecting the experiment that claimed hi...
Bride of Frankenstein (1935)
"Bride of Frankenstein" (1935) continues the dark tale of Dr. Frankenstein’s ill-fated experiments. Picking up where the original 1931 film left off, this sequel delves deeper into the consequences of tampering with life and death. After surviving the windmill inferno, the Monster roams the count...
Salem's Lot (1979)
In the 1979 horror classic Salem's Lot, directed by Tobe Hooper, a writer named Ben Mears returns to his small Maine hometown, only to uncover a chilling transformation taking hold among its residents. Drawn by a sinister fascination with the Marsten House, an ominous, isolated mansion with a dar...
Tentacles (1977)
Released in 1977, Tentacles is a horror-thriller film centered on a small seaside resort town facing an unusual and deadly threat. When residents and tourists start disappearing under mysterious circumstances, reporter Ned Turner begins to investigate and uncovers a giant, aggressive octopus wrea...
Possessed (2000)
Released in 2000, Possessed is a horror film inspired by real-life events and based on the 1993 book by Thomas B. Allen. The story follows Father William Bowdern, a World War II veteran struggling with his past and grappling with feelings of guilt and trauma. When he is called upon to help a youn...
House of Usher (1960)
House of Usher (1960), directed by Roger Corman, is a gothic horror adaptation of Edgar Allan Poe's classic tale. The story follows Philip Winthrop as he arrives at the eerie House of Usher to visit his fiancée, Madeline Usher. There, he encounters her brother, Roderick Usher, who warns him of th...
Night Train to Terror (1985)
Night Train to Terror (1985) presents a series of chilling tales in a unique anthology format. On a seemingly ordinary train bound for Las Vegas, God and Satan themselves deliberate over the fate of humankind. Their conversation frames three unsettling stories: a man trapped in a sinister psychia...
Fear No Evil (1969)
Fear No Evil (1969) is a supernatural horror thriller directed by Paul Wendkos. This atmospheric film follows Dr. David Sorrell, a psychologist who becomes involved in a strange and unsettling case. After the sudden death of a man who had recently acquired an antique mirror, the widow starts to e...
Starman 1984
"Starman" is a 1984 science fiction romance film directed by John Carpenter. The story begins when an extraterrestrial being, portrayed by Jeff Bridges, crashes on Earth. Taking the form of a deceased man, he encounters a widow, played by Karen Allen, whose late husband's appearance he adopts. Th...
Phantom of the Paradise (1974)
"Phantom of the Paradise" (1974) is a cult musical horror comedy film directed by Brian De Palma. The story is a rock 'n' roll adaptation of "The Phantom of the Opera" and follows the aspiring musician Winslow Leach, played by William Finley, who is betrayed by a powerful record producer named Sw...