A Night to Remember (1958)
2h 3m
"A Night to Remember" (1958) is a British historical disaster docudrama directed by Roy Ward Baker and based on Walter Lord's book. The film meticulously chronicles the tragic final hours of the RMS Titanic, which sank in 1912 after striking an iceberg on its maiden voyage. With a strong focus on historical accuracy, the movie provides a detailed and poignant depiction of the ship's ill-fated journey, highlighting the experiences of its passengers and crew. Featuring Kenneth More as Second Officer Charles Lightoller, this film is acclaimed for its documentary-style approach and attention to detail, earning critical praise and maintaining a revered status among Titanic historians.
Kenneth More as Second Officer Charles Lightoller
Michael Goodliffe as Shipbuilder Thomas Andrews
Laurence Naismith as Captain Edward Smith
Kenneth Griffith as Wireless Operator Jack Phillips
David McCallum as Assistant Wireless Operator Harold Bride
Tucker McGuire as Mrs. Margaret "Molly" Brown
Frank Lawton as J. Bruce Ismay
Richard Leech as First Officer William McMaster Murdoch
John Cairney as Mr. Murphy
Richard Clarke as Martin Gallagher
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