Galaxina (1980)
1h 34m
Galaxina (1980) is a science fantasy-comedy that blends elements of science fiction and Western genres. Directed by William Sachs, the film follows the adventures of the crew aboard the Intergalactic Space Police cruiser Infinity. Led by the bumbling Captain Cornelius Butt, the crew embarks on a mission to recover a priceless gemstone known as the Blue Star. Along the way, they encounter bizarre aliens, a mysterious masked villain, and the titular character, Galaxina, an android with a developing sense of humanity. With its parodic nods to iconic sci-fi films and a campy, low-budget charm, Galaxina offers a quirky and light-hearted journey through space, capturing the spirit of early '80s genre mashups.
Dorothy Stratten as Galaxina
Stephen Macht as Sgt. Thor
Avery Schreiber as Captain Cornelius Butt
James David Hinton as Buzz
Lionel Mark Smith as Maurice
Tad Horino as Sam Wo
Ronald J. Knight as Ordric
Percy Rodrigues as Ordric's voice
Herb Kaplowitz as Rock Eater / Kitty / Ugly Alien Woman
Nancy McCauley as Elexia
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