Mansion of the Doomed (1976)
1h 26m
"Mansion of the Doomed," a 1976 American horror film directed by Michael Pataki, follows the harrowing tale of Dr. Leonard Chaney, a Los Angeles surgeon desperate to restore his daughter's eyesight after a car accident leaves her blind. Despite his assistant Katherine's warnings, Dr. Chaney's obsession leads him down a dark path of unethical experiments involving human eye transplants. As his methods grow increasingly sinister, he imprisons his failed subjects, leading to a chilling climax. This exploitation horror film stars Richard Basehart and Gloria Grahame and is known for its disturbing themes and gripping storyline.
Richard Basehart as Dr. Leonard Chaney
Gloria Grahame as Katherine
Trish Stewart as Nancy Chaney
Lance Henriksen as Dr. Dan Bryan
Al Ferrara as Al
JoJo D'Amore as Georgio
Donna Andresen as Sylvia Porter
Marilyn Joi as Miss Mathews
Katherine Fitzpatrick as Elevator Victim
Katherine Stewart as The Hitchhiker
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