The Fearless Vampire Killers (1967)
1h 43m
The Fearless Vampire Killers (1967) is a comedy horror film directed by Roman Polanski. Set in the eerie, snow-covered mountains of Transylvania, the film follows the misadventures of Professor Abronsius, a quirky vampire hunter, and his bumbling assistant, Alfred, as they attempt to save a young maiden from the clutches of a sinister vampire Count. The duo faces numerous obstacles, including a hunchbacked servant, a foppish vampire heir, and an entire ballroom of the undead. Balancing gothic horror with slapstick humor, the film blends chills and laughs in equal measure, creating a uniquely atmospheric experience.
Jack MacGowran as Professor Abronsius
Roman Polanski as Alfred
Sharon Tate as Sarah Shagal
Alfie Bass as Yoine Shagal
Ferdy Mayne as Count von Krolock
Terry Downes as Koukol
Fiona Lewis as Magda
Iain Quarrier as Herbert von Krolock
Jessie Robins as Rebecca Shagal
Ronald Lacey as Village Idiot
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