The Man with the X-Ray Eyes (1963)
1h 18m
"X: The Man with the X-ray Eyes" (1963) is a science fiction horror film directed by Roger Corman. The story follows Dr. James Xavier, a scientist who develops eye drops that significantly extend human vision. Initially, this breakthrough seems promising, allowing Xavier to see beyond the visible spectrum. However, as he continues to experiment on himself, he encounters unforeseen consequences that drastically alter his perception of reality. As his enhanced vision becomes increasingly uncontrollable, Xavier's life spirals into chaos, forcing him into a desperate struggle for sanity and survival. The film features Ray Milland, Don Rickles, Diana Van der Vlis, and Morris Ankrum.
Ray Milland as Dr. James Xavier
Diana Van der Vlis as Dr. Diane Fairfax
Harold J. Stone as Dr. Sam Brant
John Hoyt as Dr. Willard Benson
Don Rickles as Crane
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