Fantastic Planet (1973)
1h 11m
"Fantastic Planet" (1973) is an adult animated science fiction film directed by René Laloux. Set in a distant future, the story takes place on the planet Ygam, where giant blue humanoid aliens known as Draags dominate and regard humans (Oms) as mere animals. The film explores the complex and often brutal interactions between the two species, as Oms struggle for freedom and survival. Through its unique animation and allegorical narrative, "Fantastic Planet" presents a thought-provoking tale that delves into themes of oppression and resistance. This experimental film won the special jury prize at the 1973 Cannes Film Festival.
Cynthia Adler as Tiwa
Mark Gruner as Young Terr
Hal Smith as Master Sinh
Barry Bostwick as Adult Terr (Narrator)
Hal Smith as Om
Olan Soule as Master Taj
Janet Waldo as Dragg Child
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