Freaks (1932)
1h 2m
"Freaks" (1932) is a pre-Code drama horror film directed by Tod Browning. Set in a traveling French circus, the film follows a cunning trapeze artist who joins a group of carnival sideshow performers. Her deceitful plan to seduce and murder a midget in the troupe to inherit his fortune sets off a chain of dangerous events. Known for its portrayal of real sideshow performers, "Freaks" delves into themes of loyalty, betrayal, and justice. Despite initial backlash and controversy, the film has gained recognition for its sympathetic depiction of its unique characters and has become a cult classic.
Wallace Ford as Phroso
Leila Hyams as Venus
Olga Baclanova as Cleopatra
Rosco Ates as Roscoe
Henry Victor as Hercules
Harry Earles as Hans
Daisy Earles as Frieda
Rose Dione as Madame Tetrallini
Daisy and Violet Hilton as the Siamese twins
Schlitzie as himself
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