The Haunted Palace (1963)
1h 26m
"The Haunted Palace" (1963) is a horror film directed by Roger Corman and stars Vincent Price, Lon Chaney Jr., and Debra Paget. Set in the eerie town of Arkham, Massachusetts, the story revolves around a grand palace overshadowing the village, believed to be haunted by the spirit of its former owner, Joseph Curwen, a necromancer. When Charles Dexter Ward inherits the palace, he and his wife Anne encounter hostility from the locals and uncover a dark curse placed on the town. As Charles delves deeper into the palace's history, he becomes increasingly obsessed, and the sinister forces within threaten to engulf them both. The film, inspired by H.P. Lovecraft's "The Case of Charles Dexter Ward," weaves a chilling tale of possession and revenge.
Vincent Price as Joseph Curwen / Charles Dexter Ward
Debra Paget as Anne Ward
Cathie Merchant as Hester Tillinghast
Frank Maxwell as Dr. Marinus Willet
Lon Chaney Jr. as Simon Orne
Milton Parsons as Jabez Hutchinson
Elisha Cook, Jr. as Peter Smith
John Dierkes as Jacob West
Leo Gordon as Edgar Weeden
Barboura Morris as Edgar's wife
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