Night of the Demon (1957)
1h 35m
"Night of the Demon," released in 1957, is a British horror film directed by Jacques Tourneur. The story follows American psychologist Dr. John Holden, played by Dana Andrews, as he travels to England to investigate a satanic cult suspected of causing multiple deaths. The film, adapted from M.R. James' story "Casting the Runes," skillfully blends suspense and supernatural elements. Holden's skepticism is challenged as he delves deeper into the cult's activities, encountering strange and terrifying phenomena. Despite initial artistic differences during production, the film has been lauded by critics over time and is now considered a classic in the horror genre.
Dana Andrews as Dr. John Holden
Peggy Cummins as Joanna Harrington
Niall MacGinnis as Dr. Julian Karswell
Athene Seyler as Mrs. Karswell
Liam Redmond as Professor Mark O'Brien
Peter Elliott as Professor Kumar
Maurice Denham as Professor Harrington
Reginald Beckwith as Mr. Meek
Rosamund Greenwood as Mrs. Meek
Brian Wilde as Rand Hobart
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