Prince of Darkness (1987)
Prince of Darkness (1987) is a supernatural horror film directed by John Carpenter, centering on a group of quantum physics students who are invited by a priest to investigate a mysterious liquid found in an ancient monastery. As the team deciphers cryptic texts, they learn the liquid may be the ...
CF: Terror of Frankenstein (1977)
A has-been rock star hosts horror films in his haunted mansion. The mansion residents watch “Terror of Frankenstein” from 1977.
Episode 08-403 Air Date: 09-07-2024
Released in 1977, "Terror of Frankenstein" is a faithful adaptation of Mary Shelley's groundbreaking novel, "Frankenstein." Directe...
CFF: The Incredible Melting Man (1977)
Join Vincent and Tangella for the season premier of Creature Feature Fridays as they watch "The Incredible Melting Man" from 1977 with Alex Rebar and Myron Healey.
"The Incredible Melting Man" (1977) is a science fiction horror film directed by William Sachs. The story follows Colonel Steve West...
Death Ship (1980)
Death Ship (1980) is a chilling horror film that navigates the dark waters of the supernatural. When a cruise ship mysteriously collides with a black freighter during its Caribbean voyage, the few survivors are forced to board the seemingly abandoned vessel. As they explore the eerie ship, they e...
The Land That Time Forgot (1974)
The Land That Time Forgot (1974) is a captivating adventure fantasy film set against the backdrop of World War I. When a group of survivors from a torpedoed ship commandeer a German U-boat, they find themselves lost in the uncharted waters of the South Atlantic. Stranded on a mysterious subcontin...
CF: The Gamma People (1956)
A has-been rock star hosts horror films in his haunted mansion. Guest: sculptor Bryan Tedric. Movie: “The Gamma People” from 1956.
Episode 08-402
Air Date: 08-31-2024Movie Description
"The Gamma People" (1956) is a classic British-American black-and-white science fiction film that blends myst...
The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane (1976)
The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane (1976) is a quietly unsettling thriller that follows the life of 13-year-old Rynn Jacobs, portrayed by Jodie Foster, who lives alone in a small seaside town. Her mysterious circumstances and secretive nature draw the suspicion of the local townsfolk, leadin...
CF: Terror Out of the Sky (1978)
A has-been rock star hosts horror films in his haunted mansion. Guest: Magician Kevin the Cap. Movie: “Terror Out of the Sky” from 1978.
Episode 08-401 Air Date: 08-24-2024
Terror Out of the Sky (1978) is a tense follow-up to The Savage Bees, continuing the theme of nature turning against human...
Galaxina (1980)
Galaxina (1980) is a science fantasy-comedy that blends elements of science fiction and Western genres. Directed by William Sachs, the film follows the adventures of the crew aboard the Intergalactic Space Police cruiser Infinity. Led by the bumbling Captain Cornelius Butt, the crew embarks on a ...
The Fearless Vampire Killers (1967)
The Fearless Vampire Killers (1967) is a comedy horror film directed by Roman Polanski. Set in the eerie, snow-covered mountains of Transylvania, the film follows the misadventures of Professor Abronsius, a quirky vampire hunter, and his bumbling assistant, Alfred, as they attempt to save a young...
CF: The Initiation of Sarah (1978)
A has-been rock star hosts horror films in his haunted mansion. The Poulter Mansion residents celebrate their 400th episode and watch “The Initiation of Sarah” from 1978.
Episode 08-400 Air Date: 08-17-2024
The Initiation of Sarah, a 1978 supernatural horror film, follows a shy young ... -
Silent Running (1972)
"Silent Running" (1972) is an American science fiction film directed by Douglas Trumbull in his directorial debut. Set in a future where Earth's forests are extinct due to environmental neglect, the story follows Freeman Lowell, a botanist aboard the spaceship Valley Forge. Tasked with preserving...
Vampire Circus (1972)
In the 1972 British horror film "Vampire Circus," directed by Robert Young, a mysterious traveling circus arrives in a 19th-century Serbian village beset by plague and superstition. As the villagers become enchanted by the circus's exotic performances, a darker, sinister presence begins to surfac...
CF: The Innocents (1961)
A has-been rock star hosts horror films in his haunted mansion. Guest: Napa Ghost Hunters. Movie: “The Innocents” from 1961.
Episode 08-399 Air Date: 8-10-2024
"The Innocents" (1961) is a gothic psychological horror film directed by Jack Clayton. Adapted from Henry James's novella "The Turn of ...
A Night to Remember (1958)
"A Night to Remember" (1958) is a British historical disaster docudrama directed by Roy Ward Baker and based on Walter Lord's book. The film meticulously chronicles the tragic final hours of the RMS Titanic, which sank in 1912 after striking an iceberg on its maiden voyage. With a strong focus on...
The Man with the X-Ray Eyes (1963)
"X: The Man with the X-ray Eyes" (1963) is a science fiction horror film directed by Roger Corman. The story follows Dr. James Xavier, a scientist who develops eye drops that significantly extend human vision. Initially, this breakthrough seems promising, allowing Xavier to see beyond the visible...
CF: Ritual of Evil (1970)
A has-been rock star hosts horror films in his haunted mansion. Guest: animal trainer Kevin Keith. Movie: “Ritual of Evil” from 1970.
Episode 08-398 Air Date: 08-03-2024
Psychiatrist Dr. David Sorrell is drawn into a world of dark secrets and supernatural forces in this 1970 horror drama. As he...
CF: Horror at 37,000 Feet (1973)
A has-been rock star hosts horror films in his haunted mansion. Guest: Matt Forristal of Gashly Tentacles. Movie: “Horror at 37,000 Feet” from 1973.
Episode 08-397 Air Date: 07-27-2024
"Horror at 37,000 Feet," a 1973 supernatural horror film, directed by David Lowell Rich, follows pas... -
Freaks (1932)
"Freaks" (1932) is a pre-Code drama horror film directed by Tod Browning. Set in a traveling French circus, the film follows a cunning trapeze artist who joins a group of carnival sideshow performers. Her deceitful plan to seduce and murder a midget in the troupe to inherit his fortune sets off a...
The Haunted Palace (1963)
"The Haunted Palace" (1963) is a horror film directed by Roger Corman and stars Vincent Price, Lon Chaney Jr., and Debra Paget. Set in the eerie town of Arkham, Massachusetts, the story revolves around a grand palace overshadowing the village, believed to be haunted by the spirit of its former ow...
Fantastic Planet (1973)
"Fantastic Planet" (1973) is an adult animated science fiction film directed by René Laloux. Set in a distant future, the story takes place on the planet Ygam, where giant blue humanoid aliens known as Draags dominate and regard humans (Oms) as mere animals. The film explores the complex and ofte...
CF: The Night Strangler (1973)
A has-been rock star hosts horror films in his haunted mansion. The residents of the manor take in “The Night Strangler” from 1973.
Episode 08-396 Air Date: 07-20-2024
"The Night Strangler," a 1973 American made-for-television horror film, follows the gripping tale of investigative re... -
Eye of the Cat (1969)
"Eye of the Cat" (1969) is an American horror film directed by David Lowell Rich, featuring a screenplay by Joseph Stefano, known for his work on Alfred Hitchcock's "Psycho." The story revolves around Wylie, a young man with a deep-seated fear of cats, who becomes entangled in a sinister plot inv...
CF: The Savage Bees (1976)
has-been rock star hosts horror films in his haunted mansion. Guest: Steampunk promoter Michele Edler. Movie: “The Savage Bees” from 1976.
Episode 08-395 Air Date: 07-13-2024
Movie Description:
"The Savage Bees" (1976) is a thrilling natural horror film that delves into the terror unleashed by...